class Layout::Block


A 2-dimensional region within the layout. You can constrain the different Primitives on a block in order to properly position it.


The follow will create a 100x100 square that is offset from the top left corner of the screen by half it's width.

region =
region.height.eq 100
region.width.eq 100 region.width / 2
region.left.eq region.width / 2

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String) #

Initialize with a label for easier debugging.

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def #

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Instance Method Detail

def bottom : Layout::Primitive #

def center_x : Layout::Primitive #

def center_y : Layout::Primitive #

def children : Array(Layout::Block) #

You can encapsulate blocks inside of each other as children. This makes it easier to compose complex layout blocks.

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def children=(children) #

You can encapsulate blocks inside of each other as children. This makes it easier to compose complex layout blocks.

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def each(&block : Block -> ) #

Enumerate over all blocks in this block's hierarchy.

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def each_constraint(&block : Kiwi::Constraint -> ) #

Enumerate over all constraints in this block's hierarchy

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def height : Layout::Primitive #

def label : String #

This is a unique or manually set identifier to help in debugging

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def label=(label) #

Re-assign the label of this block. Providing a label helps to provide context when debugging. You can also add a label in #initialize

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def left : Layout::Primitive #

def primitives #

Returns all of the defined primitives

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def right : Layout::Primitive #

def top : Layout::Primitive #

def width : Layout::Primitive #

An alias to the #left primitive

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An alias to the #top primitive

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